The fate of the world is balanced on a knife-edge. Despite everything Madden and Eva have
been through to prevent it, the ARC Council is in disarray, demons roam the Earth. The
Apocalypse is closer than ever. The solution couldn’t be further from her grasp.
Enter the final chapter of The ARC Chronicles, where Eva throws off the yolk of personal
tragedy and follows her destiny to the one place she doesn’t want to go, the one place she
cannot hope to avoid.
Hellbeast: Heroes don’t always walk in the light.

Author Bio:
Born and raised in Bristol, England, Matthew W Harrill is an international award-winning horror
author. His series, 'The ARC Chronicles' consists of Hellbounce (which has received acclaim at
the Halloween Book Festival, the London Book Festival and most recently the 2015 International
Book Awards), Hellborne and the final book of the series, Hellbeast is imminent.
In addition to his mentor David Farland (The Runelords, The Courtship of Princess Leia [as Dave
Wolverton]), Matt is always thankful to know the British author Juliet E McKenna, who has helped
him countless times. He is a fan of fantasy, loving Robert Jordan's 'Wheel of Time' series. He
also has a lot of time for the truly bizarre horror of H P Lovecraft, citing this as an influence on his
work. He also cites the fictional author 'Hank Moody' as an influence.
Matthew has worked as a labourer, a barman, a cleaner, a joiners mate. In addition he has
dabbled in commercial insurance and has for the past 12 years implemented share plans for
When not working, Matthew enjoys tennis with his son, watching movies and television series
such as Supernatural and Grimm, blogging and cookery. author page: author page:
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